What do Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Garner, and Kylie Jenner all have in common? The perfectly plump sexy pout that women of all ages are seeking. Lip augmentation procedures are currently a highly publicizedand trending treatment thanks to these celebrities. Kylie Jenner's lips alone overtook social media with her #KylieJennerChallenge, allowing us to now be more comfortable talking about these procedures. In the age of the selfie and duck faces, we are additionally much more aware of the appearance of our lips. This has, in all senses of the phrase, created a perfect storm. It is no wonder that a record number of women are seeking lip enhancement procedures. Popularity has grown amongst men as well who, most commonly, request Brad Pitt's full lips. Is lip augmentation the right choice for you? If you desire a fuller lip or feel self-conscious about the appearance of your lips, you should seek out a consultation. There are many available options, so it is important to do your homework. Obtain a consultation by a board-certified Plastic Surgeon who is trained in the safe use of these fillers, be open and honest about your desired lip, and you will be well on your way to that perfectly full and plump pout. Call today to set up your FREE CONSULTATION - 708.873.9600. Mention this post and receive $100 dollars off your Belotero treatment. Offer good until May 31st. Can not be combined with any other offer. Some restrictions may apply. Comments are closed.
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